Here's my final post:
You're Welcome Whenever people leave a job and send an email to their entire company, they always lead off with "Thank You!" Instead I will lead off with "You're Welcome." I've very much enjoyed our daily email conversation over the last 7 or so years. It is, of course, one-sided in nature. I do most of the communicating in our relationship. Though, there have been more than a few people who have tracked me down and become, if not close friends, at least Internet friends, which is pretty great even though it sounds super creepy. It's touched me to hear that some of you read my short stories with your coffee every morning, and it's disgusted me to hear that some of you read it while on the toilet each morning. So, goodbye, and I'll leave you with one last story: A while back one company I work for bought another. There's always some necessary discomfort when this happens. Business decisions. People left behind. One guy who'd left during the transition went on our company Facebook page and advertised his new ventures. I thought that, even if it was a savvy business move to reach out to his former colleagues and followers, it was classless. So, in the spirit of having a shred of class, I will say so long, and I hope we meet in person one day.
(Actually, if SteepandCheap is cool with it, screw class! My blog's and on Twitter I'm @rockythompson. So long, and best of luck to the next writers! Looking forward to seeing where you take it.)