Login Fail

Every couple years my email box at SteepandCheap is deleted and all of my emails are lost. The reason is that some new guy in IT comes in and thinks I don't work at the company anymore since he's never met me, so he figures it's an unused account and he's doing some house cleaning. So I'll try to login and it will kick me out a few times. Whenever it happens, I'm reminded of my friend Steve trying to login on our time clock at a job we had in high school. He kept trying to clock in, and finally he asked our boss what the deal was. Our boss said something like, "Oh, you're here. Good, let's have a chat in my office." Two minutes later Steve was out of a job. Turns out Steve shouldn't have told everyone he was going to call in sick the day prior if he was unable to find someone to cover his shift.

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