Arbor Day Party

Did anyone honor our past presidents yesterday by purchasing a discounted truck or half-price mattress? I did not. Almost every national holiday has a commercial component. Even days for veterans like, well, Veteran's Day or Flag Day or Memorial Day are beset with deep retail discounts. The only real exception I can think of is Arbor Day. I'd guess because no one knows when it is. Well I have good news, Arbor Day falls on a Friday this year. And next year. And every ensuing year. It's always celebrated on the last Friday in April. I want to host a party and help popularize the holiday before the mattress companies find out about it. I was trying to come up with themed parties to host for the event. My first idea was to get all my friends to go plant trees in funny places. Like baseball fields. But that sends the wrong message. I'm working on it.

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