The Evidence Room

Newspaper reporters who cover police and crime often end up working closely with cops and consistently using them as sources. Or at least that's what I did, but then again it was a college newspaper and I wasn't very good at my job. During my first week on the job as Police Reporter, the normal PR guy from the police department was on vacation, so they had some lackey stand-in. The normal PR guy would never let our reporters into the department's evidence room to do a story, but this guy didn't mind. He let me and a photographer into what we hoped would be a warehouse full of mounds of illegal drugs, fully-stocked confiscated bars, and untapped kegs. It turned out to be mostly stocked with recovered car stereos, some evidence boxes from actual crimes, and a couple BB guns. This did not look like the party we were hoping for, but I also know that the police were pulling in more fun things then were hitting the shelves of the evidence room. Who polices the college police? Answer: No one.

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